Out of all the wonderful heroes there are mine would haft to be Michael Young yes Michael Young the famous baseball player, I know most people wouldn’t think of a baseball player being a hero,but he is mine.The reason for me choosing Michael Young is because he’s a great leader.Michael Young has lead the Texas rangers through winning seasons and losing seasons.Michael Young made some tough decisions like never to do drugs or to get tattoos.And all these years guess what he’s still lived just because he said no to those things it isn’t going to hurt him.
Michael young has always been a Christian man and always followed the ways of the lord.And through the years he has shown that.He has lead his team through Christ every game lose or win they praise him.One of the things that’s makes me want to follow him is he’s always happy.Michael young always puts people before himself,even if they took his spot on the field and that is a great thing about him.He really never gets into trouble he’s a very good man and that’s why he’s my hero.
Not only is Young a hero on the baseball field but of the field he replenishes baseball fields and is involved in the wipe out kids cancer campaign.In 2006 young started the Young heroes scholarship program, so I could defiantly say that Young is a hero in my book.Heroes don’t haft to be someone who saves the world it can be your Dad,Mom or your siblings.I will always follow in Michael Young’s footsteps and really hope that you can find a hero as good as mine.Don’t spend your time looking for something that’s already there.
Written By:Jacob Young Date:1/18/13