Author Archives: jyoung1
Recycle Shoes
White Oak Primary and Intermediate just a reminder bring old athletic shoes whoever brings the most wins a pizza party.If you have a question leave a comment on my blog.
Valentines Day
I love you said my mom before I went to school for my Valentines party.When I got to school the teacher had a carnation on her desk.I said to my self I’ve been waiting for February all year.It was time to write a poem for the contest.Finally we got finished and put the poems in the box she would call out the winners tommorrow.At the end of the day we all went home with bags full of chocolate.
Kindness Day 2012
One of my favorite things to do when I have free time is hunt.My favorite is duck hunting because I like being out in cold weather.I also like to deer hunt I’ve been hunting with a gun but my dad said when summer comes he’s going to let me buy a bow I am really loking forward to that.Sometimes me and my brother hunt squirrels in the woods for fun. What do like to do during your free time.
I Have A Dream Speech Too
Click HERE to enjoy my ‘I Have A Speech Dream Too’
Top Ten Catches
New Year’s Resolution
These are some of my New Years Resolutions.I would like to work harder in my school work. I would like to a better christian.I would like challenge my self in school and in athletics.what are some of your New Years Resolutions.
The NFL is made up of 32 teams that play each other to see which 12 teams will go to the playoffs.The NFL is made up of two different conferences the NFC and the AFC.There are 4 divisons in each conference.I found that there are 16 teams in each conference 4 teams from each conference and two wild cards from each conference go to the playoffs.The NFL was created in 1920.